4 Most Common Dental Emergencies

Dental emergencies are situations in which a patient’s mouth is injured or in pain. A dental emergency can be the result of an accident, a sports injury, biting your tongue or lip, or an infection. Listed below are some of the common types of dental emergencies:


A toothache or oral pain is a sign that something is wrong, and it’s important to see your emergency dentist as soon as possible. Pain may be a sign of an infection, abscess, or gum disease. But it’s also a common symptom of something harmless like an exposed root. Your emergency dentist may perform a thorough exam to determine what is causing your pain. If it is determined to be serious, the dentist will work quickly to relieve your pain and prevent something more serious from happening. 

Knocked-out Tooth

A knocked-out tooth is a tooth that has come out completely and remains outside of the mouth. If the knocked-out tooth is permanent, it may not be able to be placed back into the mouth and will require a dental implant or bridge replacement. However, if the tooth can be reinserted, it should be kept moist in milk until it can be replanted into the mouth by a dentist or oral surgeon. Also, if a permanent tooth has been knocked out of the mouth, it is essential to see the dentist within 24 hours for the best chance of saving the tooth.

Abscessed Tooth

An abscessed tooth is a bacterial infection that occurs when a tooth’s root becomes infected. If left untreated, the infection can spread to the gum tissue and bone around the root of the tooth and can cause tenderness and pain. Usually, a root canal is performed to remove the infection from the tooth and prevent further complications from happening. This treatment involves removing the damaged nerve and pulp, disinfecting the inside of the tooth, and then sealing it with a crown to protect the tooth from further damage. The symptoms of an abscessed tooth include severe pain when chewing, fever, swollen lymph nodes, and facial swelling.

Broken or Cracked Tooth

If your teeth become damaged due to trauma, contact your dentist right away. A broken or cracked tooth can sometimes be saved with a crown or other dental treatments. In some cases, the tooth will need to be extracted and replaced with an implant and bridge.

If the tooth is painful, avoid hot or cold drinks until you can see the dentist. Avoid chewing on the affected teeth as much as possible. Take ibuprofen for pain relief if necessary. For a broken or cracked tooth, contact your dentist immediately.

Our team at Care’ N’ Cure Dental is here to answer any questions you have about keeping your mouth clean and healthy. Call our dental office today at (469) 298-3892 to schedule an appointment with us. You can also request an appointment online by filling out our online form. We look forward to seeing you soon!